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Where is your office located?We are located Downtown at 107 17th St, right off of Union Avenue near the E Truxtun Avenue overpass.
What are your office hours?We are open Monday and Thursday from 9:00am-12:00pm. Our phone hours are Monday thru Friday from 9:00am-4:00pm
What is your mailing address?Our mailing address is 107 17th St., Bakersfield, CA 93301.
What is your fax number?Our fax number is 661-859-1442.
How do I check my account balance?Contact your account manager via email or phone. Account manager contact information can be found on our team page.
How do I reach my account manager?You can find contact information for all account managers on our team page.
Can I review and discuss my budget with my account manager?Yes, you can contact your account manager at any time. If you’d like to make changes, it is best to discuss and request changes at least 5 days before month-end so the changes will go into effect the following month.
How do I request additional funds?You may contact your account manager in person or via email or phone to make your request. Your request may be granted IF you have funds available above and beyond your budgeted funds. There will be a 48 hour waiting period for any extra check requests. To prevent any inconvenience, please set up direct deposit. We can deposit weekly and there is only a 24 hour waiting period for extra requests.
When do I need to provide receipts?You should provide receipts to your account manager anytime a request for additional funds is granted and prior to making another request.
How long does it take to void and reissue a lost check?After 7 business days, we will issue a Stop Payment. A $15 fee will be charged for lost checks. However, we can eliminate the problem of lost checks and the associated wait time to have them reissued if clients use a Wells Fargo Debit Card or vendors sign up for direct deposit. If you don’t have a Debit Card and would like one, please contact your account manager. If you are a vendor interested in direct deposit, please email us:
What happens to the balance in a client's account when he or she passes away?We return all required funds to the benefit issuer, pay all final expenses, follow the instructions of written wills or follow probate rules, and return to the state any unclaimed funds.
How do I receive my debit card?Print out or pick up a direct deposit form from Stewards Inc. You must walk into a Wells Fargo bank and open a bank account. If you open an account with at least $50, Wells Fargo will issue you a temporary debit card. A permanent debit card will arrive in the mail shortly after. However, if you can't obtain a temporary card, you can still walk into the bank and withdraw money from your account, so long as you have a valid CA ID.
When are my funds deposited to my debit card?Funds are dispersed daily. They will be available 24 hours after the payment is scheduled.
What is the Prepaid Card Solutions card?Your Prepaid Card Solutions card is a prepaid debit card funded through a deposit from Stewards Inc. You can use the card to make purchases or to withdraw cash at an ATM up to the amount left on the card.
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